Author: Neil Speer
Date: 01-28-03 14:53
Hi all,
I am so glad to have been turned on to this site by my brother (and fellow Camp Horseshoe alumni) Jeff Speer! I think about my experiences as a camper and later as a counselor all the time. I have been back to visit the area and canoe the St. Croix on two different occasions but it has been many, many years. I would love to know what has happened to what used to be Camp Horseshoe. I used an satellite website to "zoom in" on Little Horseshoe Lake and it looks like there is a Golf Course where camp used to be (say it isn't so)! I heard a while back that a former camper had purchased A-Lake and had built a house there. Does anybody have the facts? Also, what became of Frankie, Merc, The Big H, et al?
Does anybody know of plans to start a Camp Horseshoe II? If anybody is interested in this idea, please contact me.
I've got some great pictures of Camp and the area (like the Porkies, St. Croix river) which I will scan and post soon.
Hail to the forest,
Neil Speer Guide A 1969, Guide E 1970, "Tripping Counselor" 1976, 1977