Author: Steve Motew
Date: 09-21-02 08:15
As I recall the chief was a local Ojibwa warrior who was minding his own business when a meteor fell on him (thus forming the perfectly round A-Lake) killing and burying him and spreading his personal belongings all around the camp property. His every other or every 5 year return was heralded by the Pioneers finding various items the Chief needed to collect so that he could finally enter into the happy hunting ground (arrow heads feathers etc....) He is thus a 'ghost' of sorts who only needs to identify the items to count them towards his final journey therefore allowing the campers to actually keep the items.
That is about all I can recall....I still remember the difficulty I had in explaining to my Woodsmen campers why the chief never made it across the lake in the famous F.U.N. year (1985 I think).
S Motew