Author: catman
Date: 10-08-02 09:51
Hi Bruce,
Don't sweat it. I let that go a long, long time ago. As for singing, I don't do much these days. But I can tell you that I did fulfill a dream I had on my wedding day. I surprised my wife at our reception with a song I wrote just for her, backed up by the band, who just happened to be close friends of ours as well. It was the only time all that day that I got nervous. I do still have my guitars and play on occassion.
My daughter, Rebecca, learned to play on that old beatup "river" guitar I learned on. She is now a freshman at MTSU and my son David (13) is now slated to pick it up and learn. It always had good karma.
I plan to post more of the pictures I took during my times at camp in the future. I think some of them nmight even have you in them somewhere.