Author: Anonymous
Date: 09-12-03 17:19
Who are you? I respect your decision to support Jordan and Fran, but I think you should remember WHERE you started. I do not think you can forget the impact that Kawaga has your, and many other's lives. As a current member of the Kawaga Nation, I can honestly say that I didn't returned each summer just because Jordan was the director. Yes, he did have a impact on Kawaga, but there is so much more to Kawaga than the director. No disrespect meant to Jordan whatsoever, but Kawaga was a truly magical place before him and it will continue to be for many many more years to come. I wish Jordan, Fran and his family the best of luck with Camp Horseshoe, but I think that this whole argument is just stupid. As many alumni from both Kawaga AND the old Horseshoe, their experiences at camp teach them not to act this way. I am not saying to side with Kawaga, Bustlin is right when he says that everyone has their own choice. However, I feel that we shouldn't convince others to choose sides by offering something that the other cannot. If they are loyal to Kawaga, let it be. Do not try to bring down Kawaga because of some bad tension between the camps or the owners.