Author: Rick Schwab
Date: 11-24-03 14:58
You have always been a bit slow to re-act but it is good to see your name and feel your spirit and share your enthusiasm. I have been going back to Camp with my wife of 32 years this December for the past 50 years as a camper, counselor, and for the past 30 years as a nostalgic( wanna return to be a camper and horseshoeite) true to the bone.
Your family sounds teriffic. How are Jane and Steve? We go back to camp in late July/August every year - we would love to see you. We try to stop at Shell Lake whenever we come up. See you next summer God willing.
Rick and Mary Schwab
Tim and his wife Amy Schwab
JoJo Schwab - former camper and tripping counselor at BT for 15 years.