Author: Don Schwartz
Date: 06-16-03 10:18
I'm really looking forward to your blow-by-blow historical recollections. As you mentioned, June 15 marks the start of pre-camp and the main event starts next weekend. Since I have the luxury of spending time in the camp area more than most I’ll try to add a little of “ what’s really going on up there right now?”
The weather was unseasonably hot last weekend and reminded me of a typical sunny July camp day. Not as hot as the 100-degree plus days on the A-field but enough to work up a sweat. We don't have the A-field pump but our water comes from a well, crisp with a hint of iron. We put the dock and swim raft in the lake without any trips to the infirmary or hospital in Spooner. With only one dock it is difficult to have a designated swim area and we don’t have any buddy checks. Our dog doesn’t seem to care and is happy to launch herself from the dock without regard for who might be swimming below. I remember having to get out of the way in a hurry after jumping off the camp swim raft. The water is a bit chilly but refreshing none the less. On to the mosquito report, on a scale of 1-10 we’re at an 8. Perhaps it just seems worse because I haven’t yet adjusted to the constant annoyance that just becomes part of every day life. We’ll see… in the meantime, I’ll have to resort to coating myself with Muskol or Deep Woods Off. I’ve only had to pry one or two gnats out of my eye so far. The fishing has been about average although I have to admit I got skunked on the Namekogen going from Byrkits to Howells. The “Old Wilderness Point” site is fenced off due to erosion. Since there was no fresh fish for dinner we cooked-out steaks with potatoes and onions over an open fire. “Steve Farber” coal base, of course. Our cabin porch is set up just like a camp cabin; half walls with screens and canvas roll-down awnings. After “lights out” I heard the Whooporwills and frogs as I fell asleep and dreamed of another perfect camp day.
It’s shaping up to be a great season.