Author: Jon Schwartz
Date: 08-05-02 15:44
It's great to hear from you. I was just thinking that the last time I saw you was our Stude summer. Can that be right? I'm so glad I found this site. I would love nothing more than to set up a play date with you and the Lewis kids. Maby we could arange a Coke party. I actually talked to Joel yesterday. We could also include your friends Jimmy Morris and Jimmy Margolis. What do you think? What does the month of September look like for you? I live right around the corner from you in Deerfield. I have a 3.5 year old girl and a 17 mo. old little boy. I loved reading your response to Eric's posting. I remember you telling that story when you came back from that trip with your broken arm. Call me at work 630-861-2185 or at home 847-267-1153 to catch up.