Date: 04-04-04 15:03
I've been a Kawaga Brave for alomst a decade now and i have a few things that i think is nessary to address here. 1. Chris i've known you for years and you always took the approach to being a true kawaga brave but i hate to inform you chris that a true kawaga brave would never leave kawaga to work at a different camp for more money. 2. ok so jordan brought leagues and clubs to kawaga but did that make kawaga more than just a camp and mroe like a life style? NO! 3. kawaga is the most unique camp because of one thing; our traditions. no camp has ever had campers that would do anything to spend one extra day a summer at kawaga. 4. "Build me a son lord....lived in vain" The kawaga ideal is something Jordan can go take to horeshoe but every single one of those campers will know that it means nothing to them because its part of kawaga not horeshoe.5. The four pilars of kawaga! Loyal Falcon do you know these? Do they mean anything to you and dont say there the four pilars of camp horseshoe. the four pilars of kawaga Spirit, Enthuesiasum, Fellowship, and sportmanahip. 6. No matter how hard jordan tries he will never be able to duplicate the indian traditions kawaga has. Pow-wows, mawanda, sachem, tapping ceromonies and more. if a kid at horseshoe gets tapped for sachem it should mean nothing to him because thats not sachem, thats jordan not being orginal and stealing kawagas traditions. Hey jordan please if your going to open a camp come up with something that will make your camp unique and dont go around stealing traditions from kawaga
The kawaga nation