Author: Jordan Mendal
Date: 10-04-02 08:20
Hey Jordy: Glad to see you found this site! One of things I remember about your all-nighter was pratically knowing for sure that the "Gross Library" would be a clue. When the "Gross" sign went up in the library that summer, I seem to recall a bunch of us saying that's gotta be an all-nighter clue. Yet, when we went to the gas pump and found the entire inside of a cow, not a single person on our team could come up with "Gross"...and to think some of us are now attorneys and such! We were ready to start looking through the cow, but you and Griefer felt sorry for us and stopped us -- pratically handing us the clue (we were way behind and obviously gonna lose), getting us to say "Gross" over and over agian till someone thought of the library.
Hope all is well with you!
As Ever,